Lokomat-Pro is a robot-assisted gait training device that aims to increase neuroplasticity and recovery potential. It has an exoskeleton that can be adjusted to suit the varying physical characteristics of patients. The walking robot Lokomat-Pro is an integrated system with an advanced sensor and virtual reality system. The patient’s body load is taken against gravity with the help of slings, preventing the patient from experiencing joint and spine problems due to excessive load.
With Lokomat Pro, it is aimed to challenge patients beyond their individual abilities during rehabilitation. Depending on the features of the device, speed, loading and robotic support, the intensity of the therapy can be adjusted. With the help of robotic sensors, the movements and muscle strength of the patient are detected and reflected on the graphics on the screen. Movements that the patient cannot perform are supported with the help of robotic feet. On the screen in front of the patient there is a human graphic representing his/her body. The movements detected with the help of sensors are simulated on the human graphic on the screen, and the patient’s walking function is tried to be improved by playing various games on the screen. These game-like exercises aim to keep patients’ motivation to achieve their goals high. Activity levels affect task performance, gait pattern and speed.
With the Increased Performance Feedback in the device, Lokomat-Pro aims to increase the effect of gait training. With the presence of an Enhanced Performance Feedback system, the patient’s muscle activation and cardiovascular effort can be increased. At the same time, it has a positive effect on regulating muscle tone and reducing spasticity, which is the involuntary contraction of muscles, supporting and increasing the muscle strength of the lower extremities, ensuring body composition on the cardiovascular system and improving the quality of life of patients.
It has been observed that a patient can walk for 30-40 minutes with Lokomat-Pro. The ability of patients with limited mobility to walk throughout therapy supports the muscular, skeletal and neurological systems, and also increases the patient’s motivation for recovery.