Prof. M.D. Coskun Sahin

Adult and Pediatric Urology
30 years of experience

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More detail about the doctor

He attended elementary school, Middle School and High school in Trabzon. He graduated from GATA Military Medical School, which he entered as the first choice, in 1988. After two years of compulsory service, he completed his urology residency at GATA Haydar Pasha Teaching Hospital. Since the end of his residency in 1995, he worked as the Urology Service Chief of the Marshal Fevzi Çakmak Military Hospital in Erzurum for 7 years. he worked as the head of urology service at Taksim Gümüşsuyu Military Hospital, where he was appointed in 2002.

He received the title of Associate Professor of Urology in April 2004. He retired in February 2010 and started working at the Private Sema Hospital. He received the title of Professor in April 2013.
There are 22 international publications, 72 international papers, 82 domestic papers and 58 domestic publications published in various national and international journals. in 1994, he was at the University of Ulm in Germany to consolidate his experience in Radical Cystectomy and Ileal bladder. He is a member of Turkish Urology Association, Turkish Andrology Association, Pediatric Urology Association.

His book on urethra surgery, “Approach to Urethral Strictures”, which he edited, was published as of September 2016. Adult Urology (Reconstructive urology, urooncology, andrological surgery), Pediatric Urology (Undescended testicle, hypospadias, epispadias, laparoscopic surgery, vesicoureteral reflux surgery) are the related specialties. German English and German are spoken by him.

Prof. Dr. Coşkun ŞAHIN is married and has three children.

Urology Service Chief of Erzurum Marshal Fevzi Çakmak Military Hospital
Taksim Gümüşsuyu Military Hospital
Private Sema Hospital
GATA Military Medical Faculty
GATA Haydar Paşa Training Hospital
Turkish Urology Association
Turkish Andrology Association
Child Urology Association
Journel of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 12 ( 6 ), 431-434, 2002
Şahin C., Yiğit T., Özbey İ.: Adult nonpalpable testis: Is laparoscopy always required?
Journel of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 12 ( 5 ), 327-331, 2002
Şahin C., Artan M., Aksoy Y.: The effects of one and two-stage orchiopexy on postoperative serum testosterone levels and testicular volume in adult patients with bilateral nonpalpable testes.
Annals of Plastic Surgery, 50 ( 4 ), 378-381, 2003.
Şahin C., Aksoy Y., Özbey İ., Polat Ö.: Outpatient urethrocutaneus fistula repair with local anaesthesia in adult patients
Şahin C., Seyhan T.: Use of buccal mucosal grafts in Hypospadia- Crippled adult patient.
Annals of Plastic Surgery, 50 ( 4 ), 382-386, 2003
European Urology, 44 :124-127, 2003.
Pekkafalı M.K., Şahin C.,İlbey Y.O., Albayrak S., Yıldırım Ş., Başekim C.Ç.: Comparison of ultrasonographic findings in adult nonpalpable testes cases.
Kosova Journal of Surgery
Şahin C., Yakut G., Seyhan T, Albayrak S.: The usage of pedicled circular distal penile skin in long anterior urethral strictures.
Journel of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 13 ( 5 ) : 301-306, 2003.
Şahin C. Laparoscopic orchiectomy and simultaneous inguinal hernioraphy technique by transperitoneal route in adult patients.
Kosova Journal of Surgery
Şahin C: Local anaesthesia in Urology
Kosova Journal of Surgery
Şahin C,Haholu A.,Yakut G., Önol Y : Postoperative continence, potency, pathological findings and urodynamic analysis in patients with orthotopic neobladder.
Kosova Journal of Surgery, 1 ( 1 ) : 19-21 ,2003
Şahin C. Seyhan T., Özbey İ.: The results of Turn-Over Urethroplasty with hairless penile skin on recurrent anterior urethral strictures.
European Journal of General Medicine 2012¸9 : 60-62
Kalkan M, Şahin C,Özyılmaz S, Uçmaklı E : Multiple epidermoid cysts of penis.
Sonographic and magnetic resonance imaging findings
Yalçınkaya S, Şahin C,Şahin A F : Polyorchidism
European Journal of General Medicine 2011¸ 8 ( 3 ) : 176-181
Şahin C, Toraman A R, Kalkan M : Complications of circumcision
Int Braz J Urol. 2011 Nov; 37 ( 6 ) : 727-732
Şahin C, Kalkan M, Yalçınkaya S : Findings concerning testis, vas deference and epydidimis in adult cases nonpalpable testes.
Urology Journal , 8 ( 4 ) , 298-301
Kalkan M, Yalçınkaya S, Etlik O, Şahin C: Is microsurgery necessary in grade 3 varicocele ?
European Journal of General Medicine 2011¸ 8 ( 4 ) : 280-283
Şahin C,Kalkan M : The effect of catheter removal time following transurethral resection of prostate on postoperative urinary retention.
Turkish journal of urology 2011; 37 ( 4 ) : 303-306
Kalkan M, Uzun H, Yalçınkaya S, Şahin C: Is it mandatory to use a quidewire and to collect the Stone fragments in lower ureteral calculi ?
Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 2012 ; 28 : 100-104
Şahin C, Kalkan M, Uzun H : Minimal invasive pyeloplasty technique with vertical surgical approach: An alternative to laparoscopic pyeloplasty
valuation in Terms of Early Complications and Alternative Practice
A Collective Circumcision Performed in Sudan
Evaluation in Terms of Early Complications and Alternative Practice
Reply: A Collective Circumcision Performed in Sudan

Procedures performed by Prof. M.D. Coskun Sahin

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