Prof. M.D. Erkan Kaptanoglu

27 years of experience

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Academic Career and Medical Practice

Prof. Erkan Kaptanoğlu, M.D., Ph.D. graduated from Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine in 1990. He completed his internship in the United Kingdom. After completing his compulsory medical service, he gained entrance to the Neurosurgery residency program at Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. He wrote his residency thesis on “Neural protection in spinal cord injuries” at Hacettepe University research laboratories in 1995. After completing his residency in 1997, he became a specialist and was appointed as the Chief Resident. Winning a scholarship from the ministry of health, he studied “spinal cord injury and spinal cord regeneration” under Prof. Charles Tator, M.D., Ph.D., at the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine in Canada in 1998-1999. After returning from Canada in 1999, he was tasked by the Ministry of Health to establish a Field Hospital and to work in cooperation with the Turkish Red Crescent Society at Hakkari, Şemdinli for two months.

He became an Associate Professor of Neurosurgery in 2004. He earned the title Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) by completing a doctorate program on Advanced Neuroscience between 2000-2005, at Hacettepe University Institute of Psychiatry and Medical Sciences. He joined the project for autologous stem cell therapy in human spinal cord injuries with the Departments of Neurosurgery and Hematology at the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine. In 2009, he was appointed as Deputy Chief to the Neurosurgery Clinic at the Ankara Numune Hospital, where he had been working.

At Ankara Numune Hospital, in which he worked until 2010, he encountered many complex cases that required a solution due to the high patient turnover. He supervised and attended complex cranial (brain), spinal (spine-spinal cord), pediatric (children), trauma and vascular neurosurgery operations. He continued his academic research at Ankara University, Department of Anatomy and research laboratories of Ankara University and Hacettepe University for the purpose of developing strategies for complex spinal surgery operations. Dr. Kaptanoğlu conducted joint studies with many of his colleagues and faculty members from clinical and basic sciences during his scientific, laboratory and anatomic research. These experiences contributed greatly to his surgery practice and clinical knowledge.

He conducted his first research project in 1995, during his residency, on the treatment of spinal cord injuries at Hacettepe University. From then on, he always continued his experimental research. He won numerous awards with his research work on spinal cord injuries and spinal surgery anatomy.

His research was published in the form of over 100 national and international articles, and over 50 books and book chapters. He has attended numerous national and international courses and meetings as an instructor and guest speaker.

In 2010, he went to Cyprus to found the Near East University Faculty of Medicine Hospital with the guidance of Hacettepe University, and was appointed as full Professor. Between 2010-2015, he served as the Founder and Head of Department at the Near East University and Founder and Deputy Chief Physician at the University Training and Research Hospital in TRNC.

In 2015, he was appointed to the Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery and was elected as the Head of Department. During the same period, he also served as the Director of the Institute of Neuroscience. Reaching the end of this tenure in 2019, he retired from his duties as the Director of the Institute of Neuroscience and as a Member of the Faculty of Medicine. During his tenure at Marmara University, he supervised and accompanied surgical operations for complex cases from cranial patients to brain tumors (gliomas, meningiomas and hypophysis adenomas in particular), cerebral hemorrhages, Parkinson’s disease, trauma and vascular neurosurgery. He performed complex spinal surgery operations such as surgeries for spinal deformities (e.g. scoliosis and kyphosis), thoracoscopic spinal surgeries and sacral tumor surgeries. In addition to anatomical studies, he conducted research and experimental studies on stem cell therapy and regeneration in spinal cord injuries.

He served in different capacities as a member and a director in various boards and groups of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, and also for Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi and Turkish Neurosurgery journal. Between 2019-2020, he worked as a part-time faculty member at Başkent University. In addition to his national and international academic studies, he still practices at his private clinic and performs surgeries.

Correct Diagnosis, Correct Treatment and Good Follow Up.

Our mission is to ensure correct diagnosis, correct treatment and good follow up in accordance with the code of ethics. It is to use all scientific and technological means available to provide the most modern and attentive surgical treatment and care for our patients with the help of our strong team.

Our vision is to provide and arrange the most current and cutting edge treatment program with all additional treatment required.

Chief Resident - Neurosurgery Clinic, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital
Research Fellow - Neuroscience Spinal Cord Injury and Regeneration, University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, Toronto, Canada
Doctorate - Ph.D. in Advanced Neuroscience Institute of Neuroscience and Psychiatry, Hacettepe University, Ankara
Associate Professor - Neurosurgery Clinic, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital
Deputy Chief - Neurosurgery Clinic, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital
Professor, Head of Department - Department of Neurosurgery, Near East University Faculty of Medicine, TRNC
Dep. Founding Chief Physician - Near East University Hospital, Near East University Faculty of Medicine, TRNC
Professor, Head of Department - Department of Neurosurgery, Marmara University, Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul
Director of Institute - Neuroscience Institute, Marmara University, Istanbul
Professor - Department of Neurosurgery, Başkent University, Istanbul
Private Clinic - Brain Surgery, Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery, Istanbul
Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine - Postgraduate, Istanbul University, Istanbul
Peterbrough District Hospital Lincoln County Hospital, Peterborough and Lincoln, United Kingdom
Neurosurgery Clinic, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital
Erkan Kaptanoğlu, Charles Tator: Omurilik yaralanması sonrası nöral koruma stratejileri (Strategies for neuroprotection after spinal cord injury). Omurilik ve omurga cerrahisi.
Editors: M. Zileli, F. Özer. Chapter:63, Page:813-832, 2002, Izmir
Charles Tator, Erkan Kaptanoğlu:: Yaralanmış omuriliğin rejenerasyonu (Regeneration of the injured spinal cord). Omurilik ve omurga cerrahisi.
Editors: M. Zileli, F. Özer. Chapter:65, Page:841-866, 2002, Izmir
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Spinal enstrumantasyonda revizyon cerrahisi. Spinal Enstrumentasyon.
Editor: Sait Naderi. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Spinal Cerrahi Grubu Yayınları No:5, Chapter:26, Page:437-447, 2002, Izmir
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Torakal disk herniasyonu ve torakal dar kanal. Temel Nöroşirurji.
Editors: Aksoy K, Palaoğlu S, Pamir N, Tuncer R. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Yayınları. Volume:2, Chapter:114, Page:1048-1055, 2005, Ankara
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Omurilik yaralanması ve patofizyolojisi. Temel Nöroşirurji.
Editors: Aksoy K, Palaoğlu S, Pamir N, Tuncer R. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Yayınları. Volume:2, Chapter:125, Page:1144-1155, 2005, Ankara
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Periferik sinir Tamirinde Tüp Kullanımı. Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi.
Editors: N. Demircan, M. Zileli. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği, Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Grubu Yayınları. Chapter:10, Page:137, 2008, Ankara
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Piriformis Sendromu. Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi.
Editors: N. Demircan, M. Zileli. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği, Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Grubu Yayınları. Chapter:21, Page:337, 2008, Ankara
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Lomber Spondilolistezis, dekompresyon, füzyon. Enstrumentasyon ve Redüksiyon. Lomber Dejeneratif Disk Hastalığı.
Editor: K. Koç. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Grubu Yayınları. Chapter:40, Page:444-456, 2008, Ankara
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Başarısız bel cerrahisinde sonuç tahmini. Başa(ğ)rısız Bel cerrahisi.
Editor: M. Hancı. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. Chapter 13, Page 135-139, 2010, Istanbul
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Lomber ve sakral omurgaya cerrahi yaklaşımlar ve fiksasyon yöntemleri. Temel Nöroşirurji. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Yayınları.
Editor: E. Korfalı ve Mehmet Zileli. Chapter:102, Page:1429-1436, 2010, Ankara
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Omurilik yaralanmasının patofizyolojisi. Temel Nöroşirurji. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Yayınları.
Editor: E. Korfalı ve Mehmet Zileli. Chapter:118, Page:1623-1635, 2010, Ankara
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Spondilolistezis Cerrahisi Komplikasyonları. Omurga cerrahisinde Komplikasyon ve Revizyon.
Editors: A. Şenel, S. Çaylı, S. Dalbayrak, C. Temiz, A. Aslantaş. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Grubu Yayınları. Chapter:21, Page:159-165, 2010, Ankara
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Osteoporotik vertebra kırıklarında enstrumantasyon. Omurga Travmalarında Tedavi Prensipleri.
Editors: A. Şenel, S. Çaylı, S. Dalbayrak, C. Temiz, A. Aslantaş. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Öğretim ve Eğitim Grubu Yayınları No:11. Chapter 28, Page:223-227, 2011, Ankara
Ferhat Harman, Mehmet Yaman, Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Spinal travmada tromboemboliden korunma. Omurga ve Omurilik Yaralanmaları.
Editors: M. Hancı, B. Erhan. İntertıp Yayınevi. Chapter:49, Page:429-432, 2012, Izmir
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Rejenerasyon ve kök hücre tedavileri. Omurga ve Omurilik Yaralanmaları.
Editors: M. Hancı, B. Erhan. İntertıp Yayınevi. Chapter:12, Page:125-129, 2012, Izmir
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Lomber interlaminar ve foraminal mikrodiskektomi. Minimal invazif omurga cerrahisi, Güncel Yaklaşımlar.
Editors: A. Aslantaş, S. Dalbayrak, S. Şimşek, S. Çağlı, C. Kılınçer. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Öğretim ve Eğitim Grubu Yayınları No:13. Chapter:11, Page:116-126, 2012, Ankara
Gökhan Yılmaz, Ferhat Harman, Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Acil Hastanın Transportu.
Editor: E. Kaptanoğlu. Editör yardımcıları: A. Kaptanoğlu, F. Türköz Çiner. Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi Yayınları-1. İntertıp yayınevi. Page:5-13, 2013, Turkey
Ferhat Harman, Gökhan Yılmaz, Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Nöroşirurji Aciller.
Editor: E. Kaptanoğlu. Editör yardımcıları: A. Kaptanoğlu, F. Türköz Çiner. Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi Yayınları-1. İntertıp yayınevi. Page:163-173, 2013, Turkey
Erkan Kaptanoğlu, Mehmet Zileli: Sakrumun cerrahi anatomisi. Omurilik ve Omurga Cerrahisi-Third Edition.
Editors: M. Zileli, F. Özer. İntertıp Yayınevi. Chapter:7, Page:73-84, 2014, Izmir
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Omurilik yaralanması sonrası nöral koruma stratejileri. Omurilik ve Omurga Cerrahisi-Third Edition.
Editors: M. Zileli, F. Özer. İntertıp Yayınevi. Chapter:70, Page:849-858, 2014, Izmir
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Yaralanmış omuriliğin rejenerasyonu ve hücre tedavileri. Omurilik ve Omurga Cerrahisi-Third Edition.
Editors: M. Zileli, F. Özer. İntertıp Yayınevi. Chapter:72, Page:865-872, 2014, Izmir
Erkan Kaptanoğlu, Ayhan Attar, Mevci Özdemir: Omurilik yaralanmasında deneysel modeller: nöroproteksiyon ve rejenerasyon. Omurilik ve Omurga Cerrahisi-Üçüncü Baskı.
Editors: M. Zileli, F. Özer. İntertıp Yayınevi. Chapter:73, Page:873-884, 2014, Izmir
Erkan Kaptanoğlu, Mehmet Zileli, Ferhat Harman: Spinopelvik fiksasyon. Omurilik ve Omurga Cerrahisi-Üçüncü Baskı.
Editors: M. Zileli, F. Özer. İntertıp Yayınevi. Chapter:132, Page:1657-1668, 2014, Izmir
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Omurga ve omurilik yaralanmasında gün sıfır. Gün Sıfır Travmatoloji.
Editors: M. Hancı, M. Uzan. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi. Page 379-388, 2014, Istanbul
Gökhan Çavuş, Ferhat Harman, Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Malign spinal tümör tedavisinde beklenti nedir? Omurga ve omurilik tümörleri.
Editors: S. Dalbayrak, E. Kaptanoğlu, S. Şimşek, Ö. Ateş, A. Dalgıç. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Öğretim ve Eğitim Grubu Yayınları No:16. Chapter:20, Page: 202-209, 2014, Ankara
Murat Aydın, Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Malign omurga tümörlerinde cerrahi sonuçları. Omurga ve omurilik tümörleri.
Editors: S. Dalbayrak, E. Kaptanoğlu, S. Şimşek, Ö. Ateş, A. Dalgıç. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Öğretim ve Eğitim Grubu Yayınları No:16. Chapter:21, Page: 210-225, 2014, Ankara
Ferhat Harman, Davut Ceylan, Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Spinal tümörlerde palyatif yaklaşımlar. Omurga ve omurilik tümörleri.
Editors: S. Dalbayrak, E. Kaptanoğlu, S. Şimşek, Ö. Ateş, A. Dalgıç. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Öğretim ve Eğitim Grubu Yayınları No:16. Chapter:28, Page:278-284, 2014, Ankara
Cüneyt Temiz, Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Spinal implant Çeşitleri ve tanımlama.
Editor: Erkan Kaptanoğlu, Assistant Editor: Emre Acaroğlu. Spinal enstrumantasyon teknikleri. Chapter:2, Page:7-18, İntertıp Yayınevi, 2014, Ankara
Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Spinal cerrahide kullanılan rod eğiciler.
Editor: Erkan Kaptanoğlu, Assistant Editor: Emre Acaroğlu. Spinal enstrumantasyon teknikleri. Chapter:4, Page:29-30, İntertıp Yayınevi, 2014, Ankara
Aşkın Esen Hastürk, Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Posterior servikotorasik bileşke enstrumantasyonu.
Editor: Erkan Kaptanoğlu, Assistant Editor: Emre Acaroğlu. Spinal enstrumantasyon teknikleri. Chapter:27, Page:217-226, İntertıp Yayınevi, 2014, Ankara
Ferhat Harman, Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Torakal pedikül ve ekstrapediküler vida yerleştirme teknikleri.
Editor: Erkan Kaptanoğlu, Assistant Editor: Emre Acaroğlu. Spinal enstrumantasyon teknikleri. Chapter:28, Page:227-240, İntertıp Yayınevi, 2014, Ankara
Ferhat Harman, Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Lomber pedikül vida yerleştirme teknikleri.
Editor: Erkan Kaptanoğlu, Assistant Editor: Emre Acaroğlu. Spinal enstrumantasyon teknikleri. Chapter:29, Page:241-252, İntertıp Yayınevi, 2014, Ankara
Ali Dalgıç, Erkan Kaptanoğlu: Omurga çektirme vidaları ve kullanım prensipleri.
Editor: Erkan Kaptanoğlu, Assistant Editor: Emre Acaroğlu. Spinal enstrumantasyon teknikleri. Chapter:30, Page:253-260, İntertıp Yayınevi, 2014, Ankara

Procedures performed by Prof. M.D. Erkan Kaptanoglu

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