Benign Brain Tumors

Benign Brain Tumors

These are tumors that usually develop inside the skull but outside the brain tissue. Meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, craniopharyngiomas, dermoid and epidermoid tumors, hemangioblastoma, colloid cyst, subependymal giant cell astrocytoma, neurinomas are the most common lesions of this group. Meningiomas make up an important part of this group. Unlike benign tumors in other organs, benign brain tumors can sometimes cause life-threatening conditions. Some (for example, meningiomas), although rare, can turn into malignant tumors. Since they usually do not spread to the surrounding brain tissue, there is a high chance that they can be completely removed by surgery. However, they may reappear, albeit to a small extent. It is known that even if meningiomas are completely removed, 20% of them can recur in 10 years, and there may be postoperative complications, especially in those who are attached to important areas.


Patients with brain tumors may present with one or more of the following complaints: headache, vomiting, nausea, visual impairment, impaired consciousness, remission, arm and leg weakness, irritability, loss of appetite, hearing loss, forgetfulness, inability to speak and understand, inability to write, imbalance, hand and foot growth. Headache (usually more severe in the morning) and seizure are the most common signs.

Diagnostic Methods

A diagnosis is usually made by clinical evaluation, computed brain tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations. In order to better define the boundaries and characteristics of the tumor, these tests can be repeated by giving contrast media. The final diagnosis is made after pathological examinations. Some tests that help in diagnosis include direct Decapitation radiographs, EEG, whole body bone scintigraphy, hormone examinations.

Treatment Methods

Surgical removal of the tumor is usually considered as the first option for almost all brain tumors. In a small part, partial removal or radiotherapy and follow-up are recommended due to the high complication rate. Especially in high-stage glial tumors, radiotherapy or chemotherapy (drug therapy) can be applied instead of tumor removal after the diagnosis is finalized by biopsy. Some of the benin lesions located on the brain stem can be surgically removed, while radio-surgery (Gamma knife, linear accelerator=linac) can be performed on some of them. In short, the degree of malignancy and location of the tumor, the patient’s age, general condition and the presence of additional systemic problems determine surgical decision-making and the limits of surgical tumor removal.

Possible Complications After Surgery

Complications that may occur after surgery are not independent of the type of tumor, location, age of the patient and general condition. Seizures, severe headache, nausea, vomiting, bleeding, worsening of the current neurological condition, impaired vision, speech and perception, hydrocephalus, swelling of the extremities, redness, late healing of the wound site, infection, thromboembolism, some psychiatric problems are some of the possible complications of surgery. The majority of these complications can be resolved with postoperative medical care, while some (for example, worsening of the neurological condition) may be permanent. One or more of these complications may develop in the same patient. But the most important point to remember is that in the presence of a tumor in the brain, the systemic problems caused by this tumor are often life-threatening.

Follow-Up and Suggestions

If the tumor is benign (benign) and has been completely removed, it is usually checked once a year after the first and six-month checkups. For malignant tumors, it is appropriate to determine the control times by taking into account the follow-ups of neurosurgeons, medical oncologists (specialists in cancer drug treatment), radiation oncologists (specialists in radiation therapy of cancer), physical therapy and rehabilitation departments. Writing the necessary examinations during the control at the time of discharge makes it easier for the patient to balance his appointments. Any problems of the patient during the follow-up period (headache, seizure, impaired consciousness, arm and leg weakness v.b.) if this happens, he should contact the clinic where he is being treated, the emergency department or the doctor where they are being treated.


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