

Infertility or infertility, the inability to have children for medical reasons in women and men. Infertility in medicine is defined as “inability to have a child within a year despite regular sexual intercourse without any protection”. The infertility problem is seen in equal proportions in men and women.

The reasons

In Women

Disorders occurring in ovulation: It is the most common cause of infertility in women.

Damaged tubes: Partially or completely blocked tubes prevent sperm and egg from meeting, making fertilization and pregnancy impossible.

Endometriosis: Endometriosis is expressed as the development of tissue lining the inside of the uterus (Endometrium) outside the uterus.

Problems of the uterus: Structural disorders of the cervix, infection, or secretion (Mucus) in this area may be the cause of infertility.

Allergic causes: Although allergic causes can be the cause of infertility, their diagnosis and treatment are difficult.

In Men

Disruptions in sperm production: Caused by weakness in sperm shape, number or mobility.

Structural disorders: Complete or partial blockages that prevent sperm from leaving the testicles, which are the place of production, may be the cause of infertility.

Environmental factors: Working in extreme heat, sitting constantly, breathing chemicals are some of the causes of infertility. Although many of the activities in your normal life are not much, they can cause infertility, for example, even if your job is stressful, it can cause infertility. People who don’t have children need to make changes to their lifestyle first. If smoking, it should be stopped. Alcohol should be avoided. Should not sit constantly, should not work in the heat, should be fed regularly and balanced.



Lack of pleasure (aniprophor Decent), popularly known as dreaming.

Average age of the woman: Infertility is one of the most common symptoms in women over the age of 40.

Average age of a man: there is a decrease in the chance of conception due to a decrease in the number of sexual relations with advancing age.

Number of sexual relations: Frequency of sexual relations is a factor affecting conception.

Thanks to the development of technology and the latest innovations in the treatment of male infertility, men who no longer have developed sperm can also be helped by using sperm obtained from testicular tissue. With TESE operations, sufficient mature sperm can be obtained in half of the men whose sperm test comes out ‘zero’.



Primary Infertility: It is a condition that is more common in newly married couples. Couples who have not had children before, although it is not a problem physically, pregnancy may not be achieved due to psychological problems.

Secondary Infertility: It applies to couples who have had children before but have difficulty obtaining a pregnancy by natural means while trying again.



Infertility tests are usually performed in accordance with the criteria of the World Health Organization in the laboratory by giving a sperm sample after male masturbation after 2 to 5 days of sexual abstinence, which is usually evaluated in accordance with the criteria of the World Health Organization. Then, the numbers, viability ratios, shapes and motility of the given sperm are examined.

When diagnosing infertility, it should be investigated whether there is any inflammatory condition in the sperm or whether medical treatment is necessary. Normally, there should be 20 million sperm in the sperm analysis performed in accordance with the criteria of the World Health Organization. But at least half of these sperm should be alive, or the proportions of sperm that have moved forward should be at least 25% in all sperm, and the number of normal-shaped sperm should also be at least 14%. Also, it should not be forgotten that; it would not be appropriate to diagnose infertility for a man with a single “spermiogram “that turns out to be abnormal. Due to the fluctuation of the male sperm result, it is more appropriate to repeat the abnormality condition twice between at least 4 and 6 weeks.


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