Koc University Hospital

Founded in 2014
51000 Patients per Year
Türkiye, Istanbul

About the clinic

Koç University Hospital started its operations as a research and education hospital in September 2014.
Located in the Koç University Health Sciences Campus in Topkapı, İstanbul, the hospital aims to “practice the most recent medical approaches at the highest quality possible in a transparent manner”.

Direct Price Guarantee

The medical center is a Medfind Official Partner. Thus, we arrange treatment for international patients as a hospital representative with no intermediaries and extra charges.

Founded in 2014
51000 patients per year

All inclusive, Free Transfer, Free Language assistance, Hotel included

Payment Methods: Cash, Credit Card
Age: 0 // 125

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More detail about the clinic

Why Koç University Hospital

Vision for the Future

We aspire to provide the most up-to-date diagnostic and treatment services in line with the vision of creating treatment algorithms customized for patients, achieving digital transformation in healthcare  and raising new hope by means of a multidisciplinary approach and under the light of clinical research.

Leadership in Clinical Trial and Education

Our lecturers attach importance to interdisciplinary cooperation to make qualified and specific contributions to the global science while conducting their independent studies.

Our Centers

We aim to improve patient satisfaction by adopting a multidisciplinary treatment approach at our 13 centers.

Our Departments

Our 50 departments with experienced doctors and healthcare staff offer cutting-edge services by adopting the most up-to-date approaches.

Organ Transplantation Center

At Organ Transplantation Center, pancreas and liver transplant surgeries are carried out by a globally renowned team with international experience.

Comprehensive Cancer Program

Our Comprehensive Cancer Program consists of physicians from medical oncology, radiation oncology, general surgery, pathology, radiology and other relevant departments as well as psychologists, dietitians, nurses and physiotherapists who support the physicians throughout the treatment process.

Advanced Robotic and Endoscopic Surgery Center (ARIES)

At our center, robotic, laparoscopic and endoscopic surgeries are among the most common advanced surgical procedures performed using cutting-edge technologies.


Women’s Health Center

Our center and its healthcare team with international experience deliver services with scientifically proven approaches in line with the ethical values in all processes.



Koç University Hospital started its operations as a research and education hospital in September 2014.
Located in the Koç University Health Sciences Campus in Topkapı, İstanbul, the hospital aims to “practice the most recent medical approaches at the highest quality possible in a transparent manner”. The Health Sciences Campus spans over an area of 220.000 square meters; includes the School of Medicine, School of Nursing, research laboratories and an “Advanced Learning and Simulation Center”; and aspires to contribute to education of qualified human resources in the field of healthcare with an innovative approach and a dynamic team that matches North American standards. Students of Koç University School of Medicine attend the initial three years of their education at the Rumelifeneri Campus and resume a predominantly clinical training at Koç University Hospital starting from the fourth year.

The Genetic Diagnosis, IVF and Adult Stem Cell Centers were launched in 2016, followed with Gamma Knife Radiosurgery, Cosmetic Dermatology, Undersea Medicine and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy centers and the first phase of RMK AIMES in 2017. As of the year 2019, the hospital’s capacity increased to 410 single inpatient rooms, 55 intensive care units and 44 chemotherapy units in total. Over 32.200 operations were performed in the 14 operating rooms over the course of this period.

Since it became operational, Koç University Hospital has served approximately 51.000 inpatients and 834.000 outpatients, 49.600 of whom were international patients.

The architectural design of Koç University Hospital reflects the essence of its treatment and care approach. In line with the principle of transparency and ensuring that patient privacy is maintained at all times, glass material was utilized extensively in interior design. Research laboratories are located right within the hospital complex as an indicator of the significance attributed to research. Spatial borders between the various disciplines and departments were avoided in order to promote a holistic system where clinical practices complement each other based on inquiring teamwork.


Koç University was founded in Istanbul in 1993 as a non-profit foundation university. Koç University aims to contribute to the science on a universal scale by meeting the gifted students with esteemed faculty members in line with the mission of becoming a “Center for Excellence”. Koç University Alumni are equipped with highest moral values, have a sense of social responsibility and protect democratic values. 322 students attend the School of Medicine at Koç University.


Vehbi Koç Foundation was founded by Vehbi Koç as one of the first foundations of the Republic of Turkey on 17 January 1969 for reinvigorating the tradition of foundation, which has a long past in Turkey, but had started to be forgotten. The Foundation has set an example for philanthropists after by operating in fields of education, healthcare and culture; which are the most essential of requirements of life for modern and developing Turkey. The foundation has built facilities such as schools, dormitories and clinics and donated them to relevant public institutions. It has set crucial principles through educational, healthcare and cultural institutions; which have been founded and managed with non-profit purposes. Scholarships have been granted to thousands of financially underprivileged and gifted youngsters to create equality of opportunity in education.

Administration of the Foundation entered into a busy process to realize well-funded and well organized projects in fields of the corporate operations in early 1980’s. Past experiences have shown that maintaining the result was as important as realizing the goal. The Foundation would also operate the facilities, which were built through very comprehensive planning, and thus, quality of the services offered at the facilities could be maximized. It would provide the society with role models through facilities, all of which were turned into centers for excellence. Facilities of the Foundation, which were established to realize this mission, carry out their works in order to shed light on educational, healthcare and cultural fields in Turkey. Vehbi Koç Foundation serves the public also through comprehensive projects in education, healthcare and culture in addition to the facilities that serve their reason of existence.

Vehbi Koç Foundation aims to facilitate development of Turkey through the institutions of education, healthcare and culture, which are managed by the Foundation and are the most fundamental needs for life; and it sets an example for “the best” in all operations in order to contribute our country with sustainable and repeatable models.

Medical Units of the Koc University Hospital Hospital

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