33 years of experience
25000 treatments performed
About the doctor
The clinic where the doctor is located
More detail about the doctor
Dunyagoz Baku
Moorfields Eye Hospital
Internship: Moorfields Eye Hospital - London, England
Internship training: Gülhane Military Medical Academy - Ankara
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine - Istanbul
Kuleli Military High School, Istanbul
No certificate found for this doctor.
ISA (International Strabismological Association) - 2009
ESA (European Strabismological Association) - 1997
Membership and Executive Board Membership - 1993
TOD (Turkish Ophthalmology Association) Strabismus Unit Active
TOD (Turkish Ophthalmology Association) - 1981
Altınsoy Hİ, Mutlu FM, Bayraktar MZ (Eds). Anesthesia In:Phacoemulsification Surgery
Ankara ,GATA Basımevi ,2002, s:6-12.
Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Eye health in childhood. Eye Diseases Handbook for General Practitioners
Aydın P, Bayraktar MZ (Eds). MN Medikal & Nobel, Ankara, 2007, s: 133-43.
Altınsoy Hİ, Mutlu FM. Strabismus. Eye Diseases Handbook for General Practitioners
Aydın P, Bayraktar MZ (Eds). MN Medikal & Nobel, Ankara, 2007, s: 143-9.
Altınsoy Hİ, TOD Education Publications No:7 Strabismus Dissociated Deviations
Page 121, 130 Istanbul 2008 Epsilon publishing 1st edition
Altınsoy HI, Refractive errors in children
Basic Pediatrics Hasanoğlu E (Eds) Güneş Medicine Bookstores Chapter XXII page 1479 2010 Ankara
Procedures performed by Prof. M.D. Halil Ibrahim Altinsoy
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Prof. M.D. Halil Ibrahim Altinsoy
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Prof. M.D. Halil Ibrahim Altinsoy
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