Degree Department / Program University Year
License Atatürk Faculty of Medicine Ataturk University 2003-2009
Expertise in medicine Faculty of Medicine Karadeniz Technical 24.03.2011
Orthopedics and Traumatology University 25.03.2016
Specialization in Medicine Thesis Title:
Evaluation of Functional Results in Patients with Screw Fixation by Autogenous Distal Radius Bone Graft
Application in Scaphoid Nonunions.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. MEHMET YILDIZ
Task Title Place of Duty Year
MEDİCAL DOCTOR Erzurum Tekman State Hospital 25.09.2009- 14.03.2011
EXPERT DOCTOR Faculty of Medicine, Department of 24.03.2011–25.03.2016
Orthopedics and Traumatology,
Karadeniz Technical University
EXPERT DOCTOR Yozgat Sorgun State Hospital 19.05.2016-27.08.2019
DOCTOR FACULTY MEMBER Yozgat Bozok University Ort. 27.08.2019-01.11.2020
and Traumatology
DOCTOR FACULTY MEMBER Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of 01.11.2020- still
Medicine Orthopedics and Traumatology
Memberships of Scientific Organizations:
Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Education Council
✓ pelvis acetabulum fractures and all orthopedic fractures
✓ arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
✓ arthroscopic transfer of the latissimus dorsi
✓ arthroscopic superior capsular reconstruction
✓ arthroscopic acromioplasty
✓ arthroscopic slap and bankart surgery
✓ arthroscopic biceps tendon surgeries
✓ recurrent shoulder dislocation surgery (letarjet surgery)
✓ arthroscopic acromioclavicular joint dislocation surgery
✓ arthroscopic meniscus repairs
✓ arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament surgery
✓ recurrent patellar dislocation surgeries
✓ knee multiple ligament injury surgery
✓ arthroscopic cartilage defect surgeries
✓ ankle arthroscopy
✓ ankle cartilage defect surgeries
✓ hip joint arthroscopy
✓ hip impingement syndrome and labrum surgeries