Asst. Prof. Kerim ÖNER

13 years of experience
2000 treatments performed

About the doctor

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More detail about the doctor

Degree Department / Program University Year
License Atatürk Faculty of Medicine Ataturk University 2003-2009
Expertise in medicine Faculty of Medicine Karadeniz Technical 24.03.2011
Orthopedics and Traumatology University 25.03.2016
Specialization in Medicine Thesis Title:
Evaluation of Functional Results in Patients with Screw Fixation by Autogenous Distal Radius Bone Graft
Application in Scaphoid Nonunions.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. MEHMET YILDIZ

Task Title Place of Duty Year
MEDİCAL DOCTOR Erzurum Tekman State Hospital 25.09.2009- 14.03.2011
EXPERT DOCTOR Faculty of Medicine, Department of 24.03.2011–25.03.2016
Orthopedics and Traumatology,
Karadeniz Technical University
EXPERT DOCTOR Yozgat Sorgun State Hospital 19.05.2016-27.08.2019
DOCTOR FACULTY MEMBER Yozgat Bozok University Ort. 27.08.2019-01.11.2020
and Traumatology
DOCTOR FACULTY MEMBER Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of 01.11.2020- still
Medicine Orthopedics and Traumatology

Memberships of Scientific Organizations:
Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Education Council

✓ pelvis acetabulum fractures and all orthopedic fractures
✓ arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
✓ arthroscopic transfer of the latissimus dorsi
✓ arthroscopic superior capsular reconstruction
✓ arthroscopic acromioplasty
✓ arthroscopic slap and bankart surgery
✓ arthroscopic biceps tendon surgeries
✓ recurrent shoulder dislocation surgery (letarjet surgery)
✓ arthroscopic acromioclavicular joint dislocation surgery
✓ arthroscopic meniscus repairs
✓ arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament surgery
✓ recurrent patellar dislocation surgeries
✓ knee multiple ligament injury surgery
✓ arthroscopic cartilage defect surgeries
✓ ankle arthroscopy
✓ ankle cartilage defect surgeries
✓ hip joint arthroscopy
✓ hip impingement syndrome and labrum surgeries

Medical Doctor - Erzurum Tekman State Hospital
Doctor Faculty Member - Yozgat Bozok University
Karadeniz Technical University Faculty
License Atatürk Faculty of Medicine Ataturk University
Expertise in medicine Faculty of Medicine Karadeniz Technical
Orthopedics and Traumatology University
Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association
Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Education Council

Procedures performed by Asst. Prof. Kerim ÖNER

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Asst. Prof. Kerim ÖNER


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Asst. Prof. Kerim ÖNER


Average answering time – 5 minutes

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