About the Neurology

Neurology is a branch of medical science that is concerned with disorders and diseases of the nervous system. The term neurology comes from a combination of two words – “neuron” meaning nerve and “logia” meaning “the study of”.

Neurology Departments of Acıbadem Healthcare Group offers inpatient and outpatient diagnosis and treatment services for cerebrovascular accidents, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, cerebrovascular diseases, demyelinating diseases (multiple sclerosis), epilepsy, neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson’s disease), neuromuscular diseases and peripheral nerve diseases.

EEG, EMG and evoked potentials are tested in the electrophysiology laboratory of the department.

Diagnosis and Treatment Services available in Neurology Department

Inpatient and outpatient diagnosis and treatment services are available in Neurology Departments of Acıbadem Healthcare Group.

In our Neurology Department, diagnosis and treatment services are available for following diseases (non-exhaustive list); migraine and other headaches; cervical and lumbalgia; dizziness; cerebrovascular diseases (stroke); multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases; Alzheimer’s disease and other demential syndromes; movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, dyskinesia, essential tremor, restless leg syndrome; neurodegenerative diseases; epilepsy, myasthenia gravis and other neuromuscular diseases; sleep disorders; entrapment neuropathies, peripheral neuropathies and similar diseases.

Botulinum toxin is used to manage migraine, spasticity and movement disorders. EEG, EMG, VEP, SEP, BAEP and single-fiber EMG are tested in our electrophysiology laboratories along with intraoperative monitoring in neurosurgical procedures.

Our neurology department has a division, called neuro-ophthalmology.

Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Unit

Intraoperative monitoring aims to protect functions of brain, brain stem, cranial nerves and peripheral nerves in a surgery. If brain or spinal cord is damaged, potential results include immobility, sensorial deficits and loss of hearing or speaking depending on the involved part.

Recently, intraoperative monitoring is commonly used in neurosurgical procedures in order to prevent such adverse events.

Intraoperative neuromonitoring team may evaluate functions of nervous tissues in selected patients during surgery and thus, a potential damage secondary to surgical procedure can be detected early and notified to the surgeon.

Neurosurgeon may modify the operative strategy in the light of these details in order to avoid damage to nervous tissues of the patient. Thus, it is possible to prevent potential postoperative damage to functions of speaking, movement, hearing and senses.

Which patients require intraoperative neuromonitoring?

Intraoperative neuromonitoring is required in surgeries that pose high risk regarding nervous damage. Neurosurgery departments and spinal surgery divisions commonly use this service for brain, spine and spinal cord surgeries.

The team of intraoperative neuromonitoring unit consists of neurologists and technicians who are educated on neurophysiology. This team joins the surgery along with the surgeon in high-risk operations that may damage healthy nervous tissues.

Intraoperative neuromonitoring team cooperates closely with the surgeon and the anesthesiologist during surgery.


This unit deals with diseases that involve optic nerve and optic tracts that ensure communication between eyes and brain.

Clinics where Neurology expertise is available

Doctors specializing in Neurology

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